My Body Knows the Way

My body is wise. It is my temple, literally, it is where I go to pray, to be humbled, to learn, to feel, and to be guided. My body is my compass. It is my first, closest interaction with Mother Earth. It is made up of ancient particles and millions of microorganisms. My body is wise, and I listen for its teachings.

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Allan this is you - show it and shine it.

I am privileged man, that went to a nice school and university that was always provided for by my loving and hard working parents, that works for a great company which is helping other companies stay in compliance with environmental regulations and I spend all day with my loved ones caring for them and being cared for, with a lot of creativity and love to give to the world and my work here is just starting. Allan this is you. Thanks everyone who contributed to shaping this magical being.

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Charlas de Evolución y Bienestar - Acercándonos a nuestra comida

Hola familia! Nos juntamos nuevamente con Chris a hablar de como nos podemos acercar a nuestra comida y los beneficios que vienen con este acercamiento. Vamos aprendiendo y evolucionando juntos! Unite!

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Connecting with the Herb

As I always say, we live in a magical world, and even though sometimes the routine or the stagnancy or the anxiety kick in always remember there is magic out there. I have to make myself remember that all the time and I love falling in love with existence.

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Tales and Rituals

Good morning family!!! It is a beautiful day here in Atenas, Costa Rica. The sun rose gently between the clouds creating a wide variety of colors in the sky that softly illuminated the room. We are so blessed to have the sun rise and shine straight into our window. Last night we opened up a little bottle of lavender essential oil that we rubbed on our hearts with Elke and the effects of the calmness stayed with us until the morning.

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