Connecting with the Herb

As I always say, we live in a magical world, and even though sometimes the routine or the stagnancy or the anxiety kick in always remember there is magic out there. I have to make myself remember that all the time and I love falling in love with existence.

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Charlas de Evolucion y Bienestar - Principios de la Permacultura

Chris y Allan se juntan una vez mas en charlas de Evolucion y Bienestar esta vez a introducir la Permaculture. En este video los chicos hablan sobre los principios de la Permacultura y hablan de como esta nos podria ayudar como sociedad.

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Nature Talks Series – Getting ready for the spring!

It is always really nice to be outside, in spite of the cold, working with my hands and connecting with people and nature, working on projects for the benefit of all. I love getting muddy, I feel like my inner child is out playing. Connecting with the soil is best medicine, it connects me with all these wonderful beings. In summary, let’s get ‘dirty’ it’s good for us. As my Dad would say, “it is ‘clean’ dirt”.

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Nature Talks Series – Monkey Year and a Living Fence

First of all, HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone! The year of the monkey in the Chinese horoscope. A year of adventures and change and a little bit of craziness! Don’t get carried away, still focus on the task at hand and be intentional in your doings but also be open to the craziness of this new year. Things might get stirred up.

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